Tuesday 15 May 2012

All this swimming malarkey is For a Reason......

In training and attempting to complete the English Channel crossing I am doing this all for several reasons. 1) Its a personal challenge and something I never thought possible until I set foot into the Serpentine 3 years ago and 2) to raise money for Cancer related charities so I can do something to benefit others.

As I have so many friends and family spread across Australian, the UK and other countries I've decided to set up a fundraising page in both Australia and the UK. Both fundraising for Cancer related charities.

I have chosen cancer related charities as quite a few people who have had a defined impact on my life and my family have lost their battles with cancer. My grandmother Mary McIntyre lost her battle with bowel cancer in May last year and the strength that she showed throughout her life and her fight with cancer is something that is spurring me on through the training and the times when I just don't want to swim anymore. It's going to continue to inspire me during my channel attempt and I hope that with enough determination, guts and stubborness I'll get to France.

If you're in Australia and you'd like to donate to Cancer Council NSW (my chosen Australian charity) then you can find the link here:


If you're in the UK and would like to donate to my chosen UK charity Cancer Research UK then you can do so here:


Many thanks for considering a donation to my chosen charities in aid of my swim!!

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